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The following is a short list of the many schools studying HEMA.


The Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts. Another leading organization in the re-creation and practice of historic European sword arts. Lots of information, and down-loadable resources. Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. David Cvet, Director. 

Arts of Mars Academy 
Established by Colin Richards, this German based school focuses on the works of Fiore di Liberi. 

Association for Renaissance Martial Arts 
The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts, or ARMA, is one of the preeminent organizations devoted to the study of western martial arts. The ARMA website is extensive, with a great deal of info on ARMA's approach, and a great general forum. The online reference sources are full of historical manuals and other resources that can be downloaded. Based in Houston, Texas. John Clements, Director. 

Chicago Swordplay Guild 
Another great group of western martial art practitioners, based of course in Chicago. Greg Mele and Mark Rector co-founders. Greg's work at Sword Symposium International is well-known, and Mark has written several well received books. 

Another leading organization in the re-creation and practice of Western Martial Arts and Historic Swordsmanship. Also another great site. Based in England. Rob Lovett, Director. 

Martinez Academy of Arms 
Maestro Ramon Martinez is a well respected sword master not only for his work in Classical Fencing but more significantly for his work in the Spanish style of Rapier. This is the website of his school. Some very fine photos. Based in New York City. 
Maryland Kunst Des Fechtens 
Formed in August of 2009  by Jake Norwood, Maryland Kunst Des Fechtens is a Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) club focusing on the Medieval Germanic traditions under and expanded from Johannes Liechtenauer. As a group, Maryland KDF mainly focuses on Longsword and other complimentary weapons. MKDF also cycles through training in the use of the dagger, sword & buckler, messer, staff and other polearms, dussack and the cut & thrust family of swords.  Its current locations are Columbia MD and Abingdon MD.  MKDF also has a sister school, the Capitol KDF, located in Alexandria VA. 

Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 

This historic European martial arts group is dedicated to the study of German style medieval weapon systems. Cory Winslow, director.  MEMAG currently has three locations; Salisbury MD, Maple Shade NJ, and Luray VA 

Northwest Academy of Arms 
This is the school of Maestro Sean Hayes, one of today's pre-eminent masters of Classical fencing. The focus of the academy is on Classical Italian foil, epee and sabre. Maestro Hayes also teaches classes in the Italian rapier of Capo Ferro, and the English sword arts of George Silver. Based in Eugene, Oregon.

St. Martin's Academy of Medieval Arms 
Bob Charron is the acknowledged expert in the Flos Duellatorum of Fiore dei Liberi.  He is a consummate researcher, a well-respected teacher, and a dedicated practitioner of this Italian medieval martial art system. This is his school, located in Madison, Wisconsin. 


Sala della Spada (the School of the Sword)

Located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, this school is run by our good friend Patrick Bratton, and focuses on the Italian systems of sword play.  Principal weapons include the saber and the dueling sword.  The school also offers training in Italian rapier, smallsword, montante, and sword and buckler.


Selohaar Fechtschule 
Christian Tobler is one of the leading experts in the German school of medieval combat, especially as embodied in the manuscript of Johannes Liechtenauer. This is his school, located in Oxford, Connecticut. 

Stoccata School of Defence 
This is the website of one of the pre-eminent WMA/HES groups in Australia. Co-founder Stephen Hand is reknown for his work on I.33, George Silver and Vincentio Saviolo. Stephen Hand, Director. 

Sussex Sword Academy
Another fine WMA group based in England, with focus on the 

Tattershall School of Defence 
The Tattershall School of Defense is an active group of practitioners of historic swordsmanship, especially of the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. Members are dedicated to the preservation and teaching of these arts, as well as fencing of the Classical period. The Tattershall School of Defense is based in Phoenix, Arizona. William Wilson, Director.





Association for Historic Fencing 
An umbrella organization and website for historic and classical fencing, centered around Maestro Ramon Martinez and his Academy of Arms in New York City. 

The HEMA Alliance 
The HEMA Alliance (HEMAA) is a service organization for the Historical European Martial Arts community. It is incorporated as an educational non-profit in order to provide a wide range of services from a stable core whose educational mission is legally bound by open bylaws and democracy. 





The Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts. Another leading organization in the re-creation and practice of historic European sword arts. Lots of information, and down-loadable resources. Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. David Cvet, Director. 

Association for Renaissance Martial Arts 
The Historic Armed Combat Association, the Association for Renaissance Martial Arts, or ARMA, is one of the preeminent organizations devoted to the study of western martial arts. The ARMA website is extensive, with a great deal of info on ARMA's approach, and a great general forum. The online reference sources are full of historical manuals and other resources that can be downloaded. Based in Houston, Texas. John Clements, Director. 

Classical Fencing and Historical Swordsmanship Resources 
Here is a thorough listing of clubs, schools, organizations and individual practitioners of classical fencing and HES, based geographically. Other informational resources as well. Compiled and maintained by Kim Moser. 

Elizabethan Fencing and the Art of Defense 
This is the website of William Wilson, another leader in the study of historic swordplay, especially cut and thrust weapons and rapiers. There's a lot of online resources as well as excerpts from his text on Renaissance fencing. 



Contained here is another excellent site related to HEMA.  There are copies of manuals, articles from various researchers and practitioners, a forum, and and all sorts of general information.​

This site provides a wealth of resources on historic arms. Features include photo galleries of both private and museum collections, essays, discussion forums, and a weapons comparison chart. This last is a unique feature that allows the browser to compare, side by side, any number of modern replicas of swords from various sword makers and vendors. 

Sword Forum International 
A great site for anyone interested in swords and swordsmanship. There is an online magazine, and several forums. 



This is the research side of the HEMA Alliance.  It is a collaboration among researchers and practitioners to provide a comprehensive collection of  the primary and secondary source literature that makes up the text of Historical European Martial Arts.





Albion Armorers 
Albion Armorers provides some of the finest reproduction weapons and armor. Included are swords by DelTin, Jim Hrisoulas, Al Massey, Jody Sampson, Randal Graham, and their own custom Albion Mark items. Albion's product line is some of the finest, their service is great, and Howy and Amy are terrific people to work with. 

Alchem Incorporated 
Alchem makes some decent looking rapiers and daggers for a reasonable price. Some nice hilt designs, as well as a 40" schlager blade of their own. Haven't handled them myself, but well worth a look. 

Armour Class 
This company, based in Scotland, manufactures a wide range of weaponry from antiquity to the 17th century. They have some very nice looking rapiers and Scottish basket hilts. Nicely priced too. Well worth a look. 

Arms and Armor 
Arms and Armor is one of the leaders in the production of historic weapons and armor. All items are hand made, finely crafted, historically accurate, and fully functional. A&A's swords are truly exquisite.


Castille Armory 

Castille Armory offers a wide range of swords and rapiers for the HEMA practitioner.   Their products are historically accurate, of good quality, and a decent price point.   Castille offers a wide range of weapons, including longswords, side swords, rapiers, smallswords, dueling sabers, and dueling swords.  Well worth a look.

Darkwood Armory 
Darkwood Armory rapiers are the weapon of choice among MASHS rapier fencers. Darkwood provides historically accurate rapier hilts with a variety of blades.  Darkwood's daggers are also excellent.  Darkwood also carries a line of other fine swords and blades appropriate for HEMA. Especially noteworthy are the dueling sabers  ....  absolutely exquisite. 

Hollow Earth Swordworks 
A good source for wooden training swords, or wasters. Many different sword types and styles. Also manufactures authentic crossbows. 

Purple Heart Armory 
Purple Heart Armory started by making wooden training swords, also called wasters, for a wide range of historic periods.  Over time Purple Heart Armory has expanded their line of products to include not only wasters, but also steel and synthetic swords, and HEMA protective gear. Excellant products, excellant prices, and excellant service. 

Rogue Steel 
This vendor makes quality period weapons for stage combat. The smallswords are well made, handle well, and are reasonably priced. 




Absolute Force - HEMA

Absolute Force offers a wide range of gear for a variety of combat sports.  Their line of protective gear for HEMA is excellent.


Kult of Athena 
Kult of Athena is a vendor that carries several manufacturer's weapons and equipment suitable for historic swordsmanship including Arms and Armor, Albion, DelTin, Tinker Pearce, and Hanwei. 

By The Sword 
By The Sword is a pretty good medieval reproduction site with a lot of products ranging from armor, clothing, and leatherwork, to handmade longbows done the traditional way. 

Therion's Arms and Armor 
Here's another good site with links to a wide variety of sources for swords, armor, historical combat, and historical resources. Therion is the US distributor for the Czech sword makers, Arms and Armor Manufacture, Hanwei, and others. 

Zen Warrior Armory 
Zen Warrior Armory provides weapons, equipment, and fencing garb suitable for the SCA and theatrical fencer. Many of the MASHS members use their equipment. Consult with Larry before ordering any weapons. 





Here is a list of some of the on-line vendors of modern sport fencing equipment. Each provides a good range of masks, jackets, gloves, chest protectors, etc. If you're studying the dueling sword, you can purchase your epees from these vendors. Feel free to peruse these sites, but consult with Larry before ordering any equipment. 

Absolute Fencing Gear 

American Fencers 

Blade Fencing 

Blue Gauntlet 

Fencing Post 

Leon Paul 



Triplette Competition Arms 





For those studying the smallsword and/or the dueling sword, here's a list of vendors that carry high quality reproductions of period smallswords and French and Italian epees, and associated accessories. These are excellent weapons. Consult with Larry before ordering. 

Benjamin Arms 

Rockwell Classical Fencing Equipment 





Milieux: The Costume Site
A collection of on line sources for period costumes and garb, arms and armor, footwear, materials, accessories, and books. 

Revival Clothing 
A great site for medieval garb for both men and women. They have some excellent gambesons. 

© 2016 by MASHS, last revised: June, 2024.  Created with 

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